Monday, March 9, 2009

200 Words

200 words is what I've written since finishing The Transcendental Man and sending it off. I have really let my writing slide. This past weekend was a bust. As always, I hoped to write for several hours, but found that when I was actually parked in front of the keyboard, I had no drive to so. Thus, I ended up snacking and watching Primeval all weekend. Tonight I got back in the saddle and actually wrote 200 words or so on a flash piece titled The Thing in the Bathroom. Not a lot, but maybe the momentum will continue.

I got a kick out of all the comments the pictures of my Man Cave generated. In truth, this room is the culmination of years and years of dreaming about having such a place. I always wanted a desk like this and big bookcases on the walls, but naturally, money held me back. Then when I sold my first house and bought this one, I had the funds to furnish the place. The first thing I bought was the various desk components and a shitload of bookcases. I may not have a patio or lawn in the backyard, but by god, I have my writing lair! I only wish the room was big enough to get all my books and DVDs inside.


Fox Lee said...

The possibilities behind that title are endless!

K.C. Shaw said...

Hey, at least you wrote something! I have not written one single word in at least three days.

Jamie Eyberg said...

The words will come. You do have an awesome writing lair. Very jealous. I am considering building one myself.

BT said...

I'm with KC, I've written nix recently. Sometimes a break is just what you need, forcing things won't help anybody.

Jamie - when you're done, pop on over to my place and I'll hold a hammer for you while you build me one as well...

Danielle Birch said...

That's 200 more than I've written in the last two days.