Monday, August 3, 2009


I learned today that Lurid Lit will be closing due to financial reasons. Thus, their new print journal won't be appearing. This means that my previously accepted story Pruritus Maximus is getting sent back out into submission land. It was originally written for the Dark Jesters antho, but it was only after I subbed it to them that I realized the publishers had already produced a book with similar material. The end result? They enjoyed the story, but passed due to those similarities. I subbed it a couple other places before Lurid Lit took it, but now I need to find a new home again. Any suggestions for a horror/humor tale about a poor sap who drinks from the wrong bottle and winds up with a case of very itchy balls? An itch that just won't go away, no matter how much he scratches and rubs?


Fox Lee said...

It sounds fantastic : ) Try Reflections Edge.

Cate Gardner said...

Now I need to check out the Hong Kong Phooey cartoon on You Tube. :) I have every confidence you'll find a new home for the story.

Barry Napier said...

I second Reflection's Edge. Or, depending on the length, maybe even Every Day Weirdness

Jamie Eyberg said...

I got nothing. Sounds like an interesting story though.

K.C. Shaw said...

Space Squid? They don't really publish horror, but they do like quirky. Only if it's under about 2,000 words, though. It sounds like fun--good luck on it (again).

Danielle Birch said...

Sounds like a great story, hope you find a home for it.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Penthouse?

Try Brain Harvest, perhaps.