Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WIP Wednesday

Last week on WIP Wednesday I had no project with which I was firmly engaged. This week I have dusted off Church of the Deviate Minds, adding another 600 words tonight. I know exactly where this story is going, it's just a matter of getting there. Since I'm exhausted and fighting sleep at the moment, the rest will have to wait until tomorrow. In the mean time here is a snippet.

The cacophony of voices sprang into agonized song simultaneously, a discordant chorus of tortured souls lamenting the cruelty and hopelessness of their sudden fates.

Kenley stared at the other interns in shocked confusion for a fleeting second, caught unaware by the abrupt disharmony before she realized that the anguished voices were coming from rooms on either side of the hallway.

All of them.

Behind each door, some unseen torment was inciting every patient on the third floor to howl in misery.


Cate Gardner said...

Nice excerpt.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I like that last line, it is very visual. Hope you aren't as tired tomorrow.

Aaron Polson said...

There's power in a quick, three word sentence after so much set up: all of them.


Fox Lee said...

Excellent stuff : )

K.C. Shaw said...

Ooh, creepy! Nice imagery. :)

Danielle Birch said...

Behind each door, some unseen torment was inciting every patient on the third floor to howl in misery -- spookily cool.

Jameson T. Caine said...

Thanks, everyone.