Sunday, August 2, 2009

July Stats

July started off pretty good, with an acceptance on the second from The Monsters Next Door for my story The Horror of Pine Hollow. Then things were silent for a long time. Around the 17th, rejections started rolling in...and didn't seem to stop. While June was my best month for acceptances (4 total), July brought me the most rejections I have ever had in a single month: 9. For some odd reason, none of them really bothered me. Well, not too much. I shrugged and subbed again. Eventually, by month's end I did score two more acceptances (to paying markets no less), so the month turned out rather well after all.

Acceptances: 3
The Horror of Pine Hollow to The Monsters Next Door issue 8
The Gallery of Final Repose to The Middle of Nowhere: Horror in Rural America anthology
The Legacy of Seshet to The Scroll of Anubis anthology

Rejections: 9
Weird Tales
Brain Harvest
Pill Hill Press
House of Horror
Necrotic Tissue
Absent Willow Review
Alternative Coordinates
Dog Oil Press

New stories completed and subbed: 5
Ground Zero (7500 words)
Valley of the Splintered Oaks (5700 words)
The Legacy of Seshet (3000 words)
Down These Dead Streets (500 words)
Sanctuary of the Shadowed Sleeper (3300 words) - Alliteration is fun!

New stories begun but incomplete: 2
Church of the Deviate Minds (2500 words so far)
An Inheritance of Shadows (1400 words so far)

Total words written for July: 23,900

Bring on August!


Danielle Birch said...

Very impressive word count. Here's to a great August.

Cate Gardner said...

Very nice month. :D

Jamie Eyberg said...

Nice acceptances. Couldn't get much better than that.

Aaron Polson said...

A whole whopping-pile of words. I can only approach that word count when a novel is in the wings. Shorts are much slower.

Congrats on a nice July.

K.C. Shaw said...

Wow, you got a lot done in July! And congrats again on the acceptances, very nice! :)

Merc said...

Very nice stats for the month! Bring on August (ha, and lo, it is here), definitely.

Congrats on the acceptances, too!