Yes, shamelessly stolen from P.J. Hoover via Carrie Harris, comes the 2009 reading list, where I shall attempt to conquer 50 books this year (none of them re-reads, which is easy cuz the last time I re-read a book was...hmmm...never).
This should actually be easy for me this year. As opposed to any time before 2008, I never really had the time to read as much as I would have liked. Then in November of 2007 I switched job positions at the company where I work. Rather than drive the big oil package truck, I now drive the big diesel/gasoline tanker truck. Surprisingly, this gives me a lot of time to read during the day while I wait in line at the terminal to load the truck or just waiting while pumping off at the delivery point - a situation not found when driving the package truck.
Now I am off to the doctor's office. The Other Half seems to be coming down with the flu, so I need to run her over to get some medication or something. Good thing the hospital is so close to the bookstore and Best Buy...two places I have gift cards for....
My uncle drove truck for years and in the waiting periods he could pound through a book in about a week. That is a lot of down time.
Hope the Other Half gets to feeling better.
I'm a pretty fast reader, so there have been days where I can knock out 200 pages in the book I'm reading. I never know how much time I'll have each day to read so I have learned to take a second book with me when I reach the last quarter of the current one.
So glad you're doing it! It's a great year to catch up on reading!
I'm all gung-ho about reading 50 books this year, so what did I do today? Picked up a book I read last year to re-read. Oh well, I've got 364 days left!
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