Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Spoke Too Soon

So the day after recovering from my stomach flu/virus thingie, a head cold, complete with stuffed nose, super sore throat and raging cough, settled over me. Well, more like landed on me like a ton of bricks. Today I am off to the doctor. The Other Half is convinced that I have Swine Flu because a coworker who recently returned from a trip to Mexico was quarantined by his doctor before being allowed to come back to work. I don't care what it is, I just want it to go away.


Cate Gardner said...

I think you cough it off me - I sneezed and it hit the screen. :D Don't worry, the nearest I've been to Mexico is a Mexican Chicken Sandwich from our local bakers.

Fox Lee said...

But if you caught it through Cate, wouldn't it be a computer virus?

Unknown said...

feel better! there is some type of virus running amongst bloggers.. I must drink oj.

Aaron Polson said...

Yikes! You can get sick through blogs now!

Hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe it's a cross-breed of the avian/swine flu, the almighty flying pig flu.

(I had to. I know it's a dumb joke.)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Getting sick sucks. It doesn't matter what it is.

Benjamin Solah said...

...I'm still set on using the idea for a short story :P

But don't come too close. I've used up all my sick leave ;)

BT said...

I feel for you, buddy, but don't want to feel like you so I'm glad you're an ocean away ;c)

I can see a story in this - maybe transmitted through touch screens and iPhones...

K.C. Shaw said...

Aaaand, I'm the last one to wish you feel better soon! Hey, if it is swine flu, you'll be immune this fall when everyone starts croaking from it. Drink lots of juice and get lots of sleep, and let your body do its job.

Word verification: waily. Seems appropriate.