Monday, July 13, 2009


Wow, it's been a week since I posted here. Not much has been happening. For a few days I was blazing away on my latest WIP, The Church of Deviate Minds, but then I hit a snag. I knew how the story was going to end, but suddenly the road that I had envisioned leading to that ending wasn't feeling too good. It was like BOOM! Here are the characters, WHAM! Murder, POW! Freaky Shit and then......the end. It just didn't feel right. I chopped out one entire section and then was unable to come up with anything to fill it with. The writing just came to a grinding halt. I'm still trying to work this story over in my mind, but for the last few days, I haven't written a thing. I'm just gonna view this as one of those "recharge" periods often experienced before another burst of creative genius.


Fox Lee said...

So recharging is like the calm before the storm : )

Jamie Eyberg said...

I must have a hell of a creative surge coming on because, right now, I got nothing. Good luck with the story. Who knows, maybe it will end differently than you are thinking.

Anonymous said...

Those WHAM! Murder! moments can really take a lot out of you.

My story just did the same thing, and it pulls the rug right out from under you. You'll be back on your feet in no time.


Alan W. Davidson said...

Maybe it just needs set aside for a couple of days while your subconscious mind works on it...or some such thing...

Unknown said...

i think i'm about to spontaneouly combust then. from the recharging :^)

BT said...

I think many of us are experiencing the strange phenomenon known as Muse Swine Flu - where the transition of the virus has moved into the imaginary world and laid out all of our muses.

Rebecca mentioned a muse convention on Jamie's blog, but I'm starting to thing there is a muse hospital somewhere without a single bed to spare.

Hope yours returns soon.

Aaron Polson said...

Recharge has to happen. Natalie is right, boom--storm's comin'.

Benjamin Solah said...

I often go through booms and busts with my creativity sounds like you're just going through a cycle.