This movie somehow manages to squeeze in a veritable cornucopia of horror story elements, including a mad scientist, a hunchback assistant, a warren of creepy catacombs, a series of murders, a crazy experiment conducted in secret, an inhuman monster, a small town European location and a liberal dose of blood and gore. Despite the gothic undertones inherent in the story and setting, the film takes place in a (then) contemporary 1970’s German town. The narrative takes a while to set things up and get into proper gear, but once it does, things unfold at a lively pace.
Lessons imparted:
1. Drink enough beer and you'll literally drop dead.
2. Robbing graves in a cemetery while it’s still light out and not expecting to be seen while doing so is a rather foolish notion.
3. Repeatedly breaking into and then back out of a women’s prison is an easily accomplished feat.
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The words Hunchback and Morgue in the one title make me want to see this movie immediately.
I had better watch my beer consumption.
"3. Repeatedly breaking into and then back out of a women’s prison is an easily accomplished feat."
It IS!? Bloody hell, I didn't know that. My Saturday night just got booked solid. Mmmm... women in prison. I hope it's just like in the exploitation movies! ;D
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