Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Another slow month as far as writing is concerned.

Words written: 0
Rejections: 1 - Weird Tales
Acceptances: 2 - "Matches, Martyrs and Mortality" to the Zombie Feary Tales antho and "The Wind Whispers My Name" to 52 Stitches.

Despite the slow last couple of months, 2009 was a good year and I'm getting myself prepared to hit the keyboard hard and fast come 2010. Until then I continue to work on my big movie site project, which gradually nears completion. I'm over halfway through it all, so things are proceeding on schedule.

In nearly forgot that I had a tweet go up yesterday at thaumatrope.

The Twisted Legends antho came out, with my take on the tarantulas-in-the-cactus tale, "Desolation's Brood."

Plus, the "Road Trip" themed issue of The Monsters Next Door arrived, with my story "Valley of the Splintered Oaks."

It's been out a few weeks, but I don't think I ever mentioned the Creature Features antho from House of Horror, featuring my story, "Returning to Eden."

Okay, enough pimping. Time to get some real work done.

One last thing: congrats to all of you who fought your way through Nano this year. Next year, I am so there! :)


Sophie B said...

Congratulations on all your acceptances! Your creative output is fast becoming a source of inspiration :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

I don't think I have ever heard of that Urban legend. Then again we don't have large spiders or cacti around here. I will have to check that out when I come across some money again.

Alan W. Davidson said...

You still had a pretty decent month, by my standards. Look forward to pacing you on NaNo next year (if I come up with an idea).

Aaron Polson said...

A monstrous month, to be sure.

Fox Lee said...

Your pimping fills me with deep, inspiring shame : )

Danielle Birch said...

Congrats on the acceptances.