Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back To The Grind

The only problem with taking so many days off work and spending most of them sick in bed watching movies, is now I am accustomed to my days unfolding like that and the thought of returning to work tomorrow fills me with a feeling of dread. Damn, I need to win the lottery. Of course, I need to play the lottery before I can win. So it's back to work for me in the morning. Thankfully it's only three days before I can be lazy again.

Speaking of laziness, I accomplished nothing today. Not a single word written, not a single thing read (aside from a magazine article or two) and not a single TV show or movie watched. What did I do? When not wasting time on the Internet cruising blogs, forums, news sites and such, I was hooked on Professor Layton and the Curious Village, a game my wife bought for her Nintendo DS. Since she was at work and I was at home, I decided to play it. Damn! Talk about addicting. I'm a sucker for games centered around puzzles and this one is loaded. I spent hours on the damn thing. In fact, the wife had to practically pry it from my hands just now so that I'd come upstairs and go to bed.

Church of the Deviate Minds was accepted by the Alienology antho today, which makes going back to work tomorrow a little less painful. That makes one less story cluttering up my WIP file. I've tried and tried and tried to come up with something for the Baconology antho, but every idea I have just sounds terrible. Plus, I can't figure out where to take half of them or how to end the story, so I may just have to move on to something else like Wolfology. Who knows.


Fox Lee said...

You know how they make fake bacon for dogs? What do you think they make bacon for werewolfs out of?

Benjamin Solah said...

I know the feeling. Work sucks and you so don't want to go back. Run whilst you still can!

Congrats on the acceptance though.

Cate Gardner said...

So many ology's not enough time. Congratulations on the acceptance.

Laura Eno said...

Congrats on the acceptance! Natalie posed an interesting question...

Jamie Eyberg said...

congrats on the acceptance and I hope that the game doesn't ruin your typing skills with gamers thumb or something.

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats. Sorry about work. I wish we all won the lottery.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Yeah, great to hear about your acceptance.

Danielle Birch said...

Congrats on the acceptance and I hope returning to work doesn't turn out to be too painful.

Carrie Harris said...

Congrats on the acceptance. And I'm so glad that I'm not the only person running short on bacon related ideas.

K.C. Shaw said...

Congrats on the acceptance! And I hope you win the lottery, because then I can borrow money from you.